6 months to Kindy age
Long Day Care
Before & After School & Vacation Care
Vibrant program for Kindy to Age 13
Community Playgroup
Fridays during Term, 9.30am – 11.15am
Community Playgroup
- Join us for fun activities in our friendly environment
- Enrol on your first visit to the Playgroup
- Every Friday of the School Term
- 9.30am – 11.15am
- $7 per child ($10 per family)
- Please bring a hat, drink bottle and a piece of fruit to share
Long Day Care
- Reggio Emilia inspired approach
- Spacious, creative, and nurturing environment
- Pre-Kindy 3 year old program
- Qualified Teacher in our Kindy Room
- Specialist Gymnastics Program
- Wildspace outdoor experiences
- Nutritious meals and snacks prepared daily

Before & After School Care
- Catering for 91¶¶ÒõÏÂÔØ students
- Play based on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Music) learning
- Supervised homework time
- Continental breakfast available
- Afternoon tea provided
Vacation Care
- Student inspired programs
- Driven by enthusiastic educators
- Varied incursions and excursions
- Nutritious meals and snacks
- Summer Holiday Vacation Care Program Comming Soon

- Newborn to school age children.
- Intentional, sensory based interactions.
- All guardians welcome.
- Spacious, free flowing.
- Music and dance.
- Supportive community.
Quality Professional Service
- Inclusive, non-discriminatory environment.
- All staff have a Working with Children Check, National Police Clearance and are First Aid trained.
- All welcome. Affiliation with a church is not
a pre-requisite for enrolment.
Contact us
- 9540 4444 or
- Email: childcare@scbc.wa.edu.au