

Empowering students to reach for their purpose

We are committed to knowing our students and assisting them to discover and develop their God-given gifts and talents.

As our teenagers grow towards adulthood, our secondary School aims to develop students of fine character who are intrinsically motivated to learn and make a positive difference in our community, nation and world.

The teenage years can be a challenging time for many students, but by investing in a rich pastoral care program, and adopting a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, cyber bullying, dangerous behaviour and illegal substances, 91¶¶ÒõÏÂÔØ ensures they are able to thrive in a safe and positive environment.

Teachers apply research-based best practice to deliver a curriculum that is engaging, relevant and effective at helping students reach their post-secondary goals.

With a strong focus on Numeracy and Literacy, our curriculum also provides opportunities for students in Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Technology, Outdoor Education and sporting endeavours. We pride ourselves on providing a dynamic learning environment that is constantly under review so that we can ensure we continue to educate according to world-class standards and best practice.

In our Secondary School, learning becomes self-directed, with opportunities to select subjects based on specific goals and interests. In addition to taking on core subjects like English, Math, Science, Language (LOTE) and Bible & Christian Studies, students are able to select from specialist lessons in the areas of Art, Music, Drama, Food & Nutrition, Robotics Lessons, Computing, MDT Metals, MDT Wood, Digital Media, etc.

Your Child as an Individual

In upper secondary, students are able to select from a variety of WACE University Subjects and TAFE Pathways in addition to continuing Bible & Christian Studies, Physical Education and Study skills classes. Our aim is that graduating students leave with a clear pathway for further education and employment.

Guiding and assisting students through Secondary School while providing an excellent education is a partnership between staff, students and parents. We welcome open communication and feedback to optimise learning outcomes for all students.

SCBC is the first choice school in Rockingham, Waikiki, Kwinana, Secret Harbour and surrounding areas.

If you’d like to find out more about what we can offer your child, .

Student Pathways & Careers

Our Secondary School aims to arm our students with the knowledge, skills and mindsets required to thrive in the workplace, whilst instilling in them the values and ‘hearts of service’ that will enable them to make meaningful contributions to their communities.

Co-curricular Programs

The South Coast Basketball Club has junior and senior teams competing in the Rockingham Basketball Recreation Association each season.


The South Coast Soccer Club has teams for students from Pre-Primary through to Year 12 participating in the Peel Association Soccer League.


Students in Years 1 -Year 12 can register for Music Tuition during school hours.

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

Creating ‘future-ready citizens’ by developing confidence, teamwork, communication, and perseverance.