



At 91¶¶ÒõÏÂÔØ we offer a limited number of Secondary Scholarships to high calibre individuals annually. Applicants are required to demonstrate high achievement in a nominated area and demonstrate good school citizenship.

Scholarships are open to current and prospective 91¶¶ÒõÏÂÔØ students. Scholarships are offered at 75% or 50% of tuition fees.

Scholarship Criteria and Applications

Applicants must demonstrate an A grade in their chosen field and include the following:

  • A cover letter outlining the applicant’s reasons for applying for the scholarship
  • A portfolio that includes details of relevant achievements and references of support
  • Copies of the students last 2 school reports and NAPLAN results
  • A $100 non-refundable application fee

Should you have any queries regarding the application process contact our team on scholarship@scbc.wa.edu.au or call us on 9540 4400.

Secondary Academic

Academic Scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate exceptional academic capabilities.  Applicants are required to complete an ACER Scholarship Test.  Successful applicants will be placed in the College’s Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program.

Applications for scholarships commencing in 2026 are now open.

  • Applications Close: 5pm February 28, 2025
  • Applicants progressing to the next stage will be notified of the next steps thereafter.

Secondary Art &
Cultural Scholarships

Art & Cultural Scholarships are open to students who demonstrate exceptional musical ability.  Applicants are required to complete a Live Audition. Successful applicants will be placed in the College’s specialist Music Program or Vocal Academy.

Applications for scholarships commencing in 2026 are now open.

  • Applications Close: 5pm February 28, 2025
  • Applicants progressing to the next stage will be notified of the next steps thereafter.

Secondary Sporting

Sporting Scholarships are open to students who demonstrate outstanding ability within one or more sports.  Applicants should be able to demonstrate one or more of the following;

  • State/National level of achievement
  • Highest level achievement within a club for two consecutive years
  • Interschool representative for a minimum of three Interschool Sporting events
  • Interschool Champion Student
  • Sporting leadership roles and awards

Successful Football applicants will be placed in the College Football.

Applications for scholarships commencing in 2026 are now open.

  • Applications Close: 5pm February 28, 2025
  • Applicants progressing to the next stage will be notified of the next steps thereafter.