

CrossFit SCBC is the first CrossFit affiliate in a school in Western Australia. Our aim is two-fold. First is to produce elite fitness in our students by means of CrossFit Methodology.

Second is to have a sound fitness regimen that is guaranteed to get results for students and staff.

Here are some programs we have implemented: Metabolic Conditioning, Weight lifting, Gymnastics, Nutrition, Coaching. We have a body scanner to check gains and we celebrate certain mindsets; for example the:

  • Growth Mindset - It’s not about how good you are, it’s about getting better.
  • Discipline – change takes time and hard investment.
  • Grit – you will work until you are exhausted, and then you will see what you’re really made of by pushing further.
  • Community – we celebrate with everyone when they accomplish their goals and we push each other to be our best. We have no time for bullying or negative thinking about self.

All our programs are fun, exciting, and scientifically proven to get results. Our facilities support larger classes and have everything our students need on their fitness journey.

For more information visit CrossFit.com

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